Maid Services Chicago

We can provide professional cleaning services that actually improve your air quality, greatly decreasing the presence of allergens and irritants. Our cleaning methods also make for a more sanitary and safer environment, significantly reducing your risk of encountering diseases and infection particles in your home.

E&K Cleaning Services Chicago House Cleaning in Chicago Maid Service

We are a Maid Services Chicago company owned and operated by family. We are devoted to performing quality residential cleaning services coupled with excellent customer service. Because we clean over 200 homes per month, we have the procedures and quality controls in place to insure your satisfaction, but are still flexible enough to meet your specialized needs.

To assure satisfaction, we installed a custom Management Program to be consistent in the cleaning quality, and to show our commitment in what we do best, “cleaning services”. The client satisfaction is our primary goal. We have a 24-hour support system, which guarantees a quick response.


- Maid Services Chicago